Sunday, October 2, 2011

It Is With Anger and Disbelief!!

The link takes you to an article published about a 16 years old girl called Dana. She had been
  • Sexually abused since she was 13
  • Groomed for abuse in a classic manner, by someone in authority and with credibility: someone she should have been able to trust
  • Removed from what is reported as a successful Foster Placement
  • Allocated multiple social workers (12 in 18 months)
  • Known to self-harm
  • Known to attempt suicide
  • Disbelieved

I urge you to follow the link and read the story: whether you work directly with children, young people or vulnerable adults or not, take a couple of minutes and read not only what is said but (crucially), what is left unsaid.
We train professionals in Safeguarding and they are left in no doubt whatsoever as we deliver our programme-believe the child.
Dana found a friend in a trainee teacher who was told by the School’s Child Protection Officer that Dan was an attention seeker.
Without best guessing the outcome of the serious case review it seems that we are once again failing to protect the most vulnerable in spite of a series of what anyone, with the most basic awareness in Safeguarding would recognise as “classic indicators” of a potentially abusive or dangerous situation.
For the trainee teacher who Dana had befriended it is my hope that she/he is able to reconcile that they did the right thing and spoke to the right people: the responsibility for what transpired is shared elsewhere.

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